Monday, June 28, 2010

Paranoia sucks

So today I had a super fucking hot hookup where this big-dicked guy came over and stood in the doorway of my apartment and fed his thick veiny cock to me. I took it like a champ, and the video was probably one of the hottest I've filmed in a while. Except that now there is no video. This asshole decided to take it up on himself to delete the footage from my camera when I wasn't looking. What a fuck tard! You can bet that I sent his ass a very pointed text after he left. Can you believe that shit?

That he would just start deleting shit off my camera without discussing it with me is complete bullshit. It wasn't even like anyone would have ever figured out whose cock I was sucking from the video. It never went anywhere above his belly button. And he had no distinguishing tattoos. He was just another stupid paranoid asshole gay guy in the world, and I'm telling you folks, there are just too fucking many of them. What the hell is up with this whole "D.L." thing going on in our community? I hear it all the time. "I just don't like people knowing my business." And I just want to ask: Uh... Why? I thought one of the great things about being gay was that we could be open about who we are without the fear of judgment. But it just seems as if everyone is so concerned about what others think about them these days that they refuse to allow themselves to have any fun, or if they do, it has to be in secret. I see it everywhere. Guys refuse to send their G-rated face pics on Manhunt out of fear that they could end up in the wrong hands. (Just what kind of damage do these guys think that these so-called Internet predators can do with a fucking G-rated picture anyway???) Or they won't hook up with friends of mutual friends because they don't want their friends knowing who they sleep with. Honestly, who fucking cares?

Now I know that I live a very out-there lifestyle, and I understand that not everybody wants to be so open about themselves because it could get back to their families or their bosses. But really, people, this incessant paranoia that is running rampant in our community is fucking LAME. It's time for all of us to just get over ourselves already! I'm sorry, but it needs to be said: Discretion is for people who spend too much time worrying about what others think about them. And as I've said before, there is no greater deterrent to happiness than caring about what others think about you. But let's be totally honest: It's usually not our friends that are judging us. It's ourselves. And until we all come clean with ourselves about who we are and what we like to do in bed, then this kind of stupid "D.L." shit is going to continue. And again, I'm sorry, but there is absolutely nothing sexy about shame, guilt, fear or especially paranoia.

1 comment:

  1. I totally hear you and agree with much of your sentiment. And for this dude to first allow you to video him without saying NO or STOP or just LEAVING - only to then delete it was fucked.

    But...You are indeed admirably out and open. That is something I totally dig and honestly wish I could be and do. It is something a lot of guys probably wish as well.

    But the reality is that not everyone has that luxury whether it be right or wrong. Some guys are married. Some are partnered. Some have careers that could be destroyed if even their face shot got seen on a cruise site. It's fucked up, but it only shows how good you have it man!
