Monday, May 17, 2010

Thoughts for an enlightened Monday

I had a very interesting weekend. As I wrote on Friday, I enrolled in a sexuality workshop, and it was a very cool experience. It wasn't so much that I learned anything new really -- they really just encouraged people to get in touch with their bodies and to express themselves as sexual beings no matter what their background -- but being in such a sexually open environment was a very healing experience in many ways. I can't reveal the things that happened in the workshop -- confidentiality and all that -- but I can tell you that the things that were said among the attendees were quite profound and revelatory for many. I love watching the light bulb go on over someone's head when they are discovering something new about themselves, and there was a lot of that going on over the weekend. For me personally, it was about presenting myself to people as a sexually liberated and authentic man, one who doesn't believe what I do out of rebellion to society's ill-informed morals, but rather one who embraces a sexual openness out of an authentic belief that to be liberated from all that we are taught is to be truly free.

The one thing that really opened up for me was that I get to stop caring so much about how others react to my sexual openness. I understand that people have been swindled into believing certain things about what constitutes appropriate sexuality, but that's not my problem. I can't let their ignorance be a detriment to my personal well-being. If it sounds like I'm being judgmental, I'm not. I'm just stating the facts: Society and religion have a crippling death grip on the human heart, and as long as people continue to believe what they are taught without finding out for themselves through first-hand experience and an open mind what they feel works or doesn't work for them, then we will continue to experience a world that is closed down to sexual liberation. I choose not to participate in such a game, one that is closed down to the possibility of personal enlightenment and freedom, but I also get to conduct my life as I choose without taking the game so personally. I get to stop choosing to be hurt when somebody expresses disapproval of my lifestyle, and I get to not be saddened when someone rejects me. I can't control how others think, and I can't let their opinions take up so much of my energy and my power.

The truth is, people are going to think what they want to think, no matter what I say or do. If they choose the story that someone who embraces sexual openness as much as I do is a "slut" or "unhealthy," then that is their choice, and I can't let that be something that hurts me. So I'm taking my power back from them, and I'm wishing them well, and I'm moving on. I will not be made to feel unworthy or dirty or shameful anymore. I am a playful, desirable and liberated man, and I am perfect and special just as I am. That's what I learned this past weekend, and nobody can tell me otherwise. So stay tuned for more hot videos, 'cuz I'm gonna be hornier than ever now! Grrrrrrr.

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